Insights & Resources

December 19, 2023 | Events

What FQHCs Should Be Doing Now to Prepare for the CY 2025 FTCA Application

What FQHCs Should Be Doing Now to Prepare for the CY 2025 FTCA Application

Garfunkel Wild presented the webinar “What FQHCs Should Be Doing Now to Prepare for the CY 2025 FTCA Application” on December 19, 2023.


Each year, Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) must submit redeeming applications in order to continue their malpractice coverage under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA). The application requires proof that the FQHC has completed activities throughout the year in the areas of Quality Assurance, Risk Management, Credentialing and Privileging, and Claims Management. Failure to comply can result in a lapse in coverage and vulnerability to medical malpractice claims. Join Garfunkel Wild attorneys as they discuss what you need to do now to prepare for the CY 2025 FTCA Application process and review the additional requirements added this year to successfully obtain continued FTCA coverage.