Insights & Resources

November 8, 2019 | Events

New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) 17th Annual Sophisticated Trusts & Estates Law Institute

New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) 17th Annual Sophisticated Trusts & Estates Law Institute

Garfunkel Wild Partner/Director Eve Green Koopersmith will serve as a panelist at the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) 17th Annual Sophisticated Trusts & Estates Law Institute on November 8, 2019.

The panel discussion “The Gap Filler: The Family Health Care Decisions Act (FHCDA) will cover the following topics:

  • Scope of statute-hospitals, nursing homes, hospice;
  • Patients subject to the statute;
  • Legally Authorized Surrogates;
  • Decision Making Standards


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