Insights & Resources

June 2, 2020 | Alerts

New York Allows Dentistry Practices to Open Statewide

New York Allows Dentistry Practices to Open Statewide

On May 31st , New York Governor Andrew Cuomo issued a press release stating that all New York dentists can reopen statewide beginning June 1, 2020. As dental practices open, they “will be subject to state guidance on best practices for safety and social distancing.” Dental practices are required to affirm their understanding of, and compliance with, State guidelines.

To that end, the State issued its Interim Guidance for Dentistry During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (Interim Guidance), which provides detailed guidelines divided into three main categories: People, Places, and Processes. We have also included a link to the State’s Summary of the Interim Guidance below.

The Interim Guidance is similar to that for essential businesses and health care providers and requires, among other things:

  • The use of teledentistry, to the extent possible, for non-emergency consultations.
  • Modification or restricting access to waiting areas, restrooms, breakrooms, and elevators to ensure appropriate physical distancing.
  • Reducing interpersonal contact by limiting on-site personnel to essential staff, adjusting workplace hours, and staggering staff arrival/departure times. (Dental practices are encouraged to phase-in reopening activities by the number of staff, hours, and patient appointments available.)
  • Scheduling patients such that the fewest possible patients are present on-site at one time and staff has adequate time to clean rooms and equipment between patient visits.
  • Supplying all necessary personal protective equipment (PPE), including face coverings, to all staff at no cost.
  • Limiting contamination in “high-touch” areas by installing contactless soap dispensers and trashcans, and establishing contactless payment systems.
  • Implementing all-staff training plans regarding new practices and responsibilities before reopening or expanding operations.
  • Performing mandatory health screenings for all staff, patients, and visitors, including optional daily temperature checks.
  • Establishing systems to allow dental practices to assist local health departments with any necessary contact tracing.

The full text of the Interim Guidance, as well as other helpful reopening resources are available at the following links:

New York State Interim Guidance for Dentistry During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency:

New York State Reopening New York Dentistry Guidelines for Employers and Employees (Summary Guidance):

New York State NY Forward Business Affirmation Form

CDC Interim Infection Prevention and Control Guidance for Dental Settings During the COVID-19 Response:

CDC Guidance on Generation and Behavior of Airborne Particles:

CDC Guideline for Disinfection and Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities

CDC Guidelines for Infection Control in Dental Health-Care Settings

CDC COVID-19 Disinfecting Your Facility

OSHA COVID-19 Control and Prevention Dentistry Workers and Employers:

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Should you have any questions regarding the above, please contact the Garfunkel Wild attorney with whom you regularly work, or contact us at [email protected].