Garfunkel Wild Partner/Director Barry B. Cepelewicz will present at the Connecticut Orthopaedic Society (COS) Webinar – COVID-19 Crisis: How Can You Exit or Modify a Contract You Can No Longer Afford or Comply With? on April 23, 2020.
With the continuing spread of COVID-19, many physicians, practices, and ambulatory surgery centers are experiencing a significant disruption of business on a scale never seen before. Whether it’s an employment agreement, vendor agreement, professional services agreement, management agreement, lease or otherwise, contracts that were once favorable and profitable are now impossible to perform or pay for.
This program will discuss how you can use force majeure provisions and/or the related doctrines of impossibility of performance, impracticability of performance and/or frustration of purpose to modify or terminate your contracts. The program will conclude with a discussion of business interruption insurance.