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Hayden S. Wool joined Garfunkel Wild, P.C. in 1992.  He advises clients on a variety of business, regulatory and transactional issues.

Hayden’s practice includes the structuring of hospital physician relationships, physician group relationships, review of the structure of business transactions as to compliance with Federal and State regulatory matters, as well as issues regarding proper reimbursement for health care activities.

Hayden has particular expertise in the application of the Federal and State self-referral (Stark) laws, Anti-Kickback laws, Fee-splitting laws and Professional Misconduct laws, as well as the related rules and regulations.

Hayden has written articles and lectured on these and other areas involving contract review.  He is also a co-editor of the Legal Manual for New York Physicians, Sixth Edition, published by the New York State Bar Association and Medical Society of the State of New York.