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April 1, 2020 | Events

Garfunkel Wild Webinar – New Rules, New Monitors and New Spotlight on Nursing Homes

Garfunkel Wild Webinar – New Rules, New Monitors and New Spotlight on Nursing Homes

Garfunkel Wild Partner/Director Eve Green Koopersmith  will present the webinar “New Rules, New Monitors and New Spotlight on Nursing Homes” on April 1, 2020.  This webinar is part of our Successfully Navigating Legal Challenges in Nursing Facilities webinar series.

This webinar will provide an overview of the new CMS enforcement authorities related to enrollment in Medicare, Medicaid and CHIP for long term care providers, and the federal DOJ initiative focusing on nursing homes providing substandard care. We also will discuss the new NY reporting requirements, role of Independent Quality Monitors and Mental Hygiene Legal Service.

View recording below.

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