Insights & Resources

July 28, 2020 | Alerts

NY Department of Health Invites NY Licensed Home Care Services Agencies to Participate In Private Pay Home Care Services Program Pilot

NY Department of Health Invites NY Licensed Home Care Services Agencies to Participate In Private Pay Home Care Services Program Pilot

On July 23, 2020, the New York Department of Health issued an invitation to New York State Licensed Home Care Services Agencies to participate in the “NY State of Health Private Pay Home Care Services Program Pilot” (the “Pilot Program”) beginning in 2021, in the counties of Nassau, Suffolk, and Westchester.

The Pilot Program creates an option supported by the NY State of Health Marketplace that would allow individuals to connect to private pay personal care services from LHCSAs that meet their needs and review the home care aides available in their area. The Marketplace will be updated with participating LHCSAs along with information about their employees who are available to accept new consumers, hourly rates, language(s) spoken, and other relevant information.

Upon a LHCSA’s submission of information required by the DOH’s invitation, the DOH will determine whether LHCSAs that respond meet all minimum participation standards for the Pilot Program. If a LHCSA applicant satisfies all minimum standards and signs a new Agreement with the DOH, it will be selected and eligible to offer home care services through the Marketplace. LHCSAs who wish to apply to the Pilot Program must submit non-binding Letters of Interest to the NY State of Health no later than July 29, 2020, and their Participation Proposals by August 12, 2020.

This invitation is the only opportunity for LHCSAs to apply for and receive approval to be included on the Marketplace in the 2021 Pilot Program. LHCSAs that do not apply for participation in the Pilot Program now will have an opportunity at a later date during any expansions of the Pilot Program.

Additional information and the relevant forms from the NY State of Health are available at the following link:

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Should you have any questions regarding this Alert, please contact the Garfunkel Wild attorney with whom you regularly work, or contact us at [email protected].

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